Monday, September 8, 2008

Space Man

There is a place where...
I take a face and...
I make it smile cus...
I am the space man!

Every weekend...
My saturday plan...
Is party hard cus...
I am the space man!

So come and join me...
My homie space fan...
Because I'll teach you...
To be a space man!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Love Poem

Gone the night I stood alone
On the sight I look upon
Your number on the telephone
But I will have to wait till dawn.
Your lips are curved you call a smile
Beauty as the early sun.
Your beauty I'd like to gaze a while.
Before this wonder day is done.
Capture the moment that makes me pause.
That makes my heart, it makes it race.
It is this moment and near it draws.
When I see your smile upon your face.
Gone the dawn I am alone.
Gone the morning I am blue.
Come the dawn I am shone.
The morning beauty when I'm with you.