Sunday, December 14, 2008


The light must have broken.
The sound must have started.
The child must have birthed, as he quickly departed.
The heart must have broken.
The pain must have started.
The tears must have fallen; as he and she were quickly parted.
The knees must have broken.
The friends must have started.
The love must be magical, as her heart quickly restarted.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

"I" does not equal the greater good!

We cry out in pain while leaving behind the same.
Help is in arms reach, but still nothing has changed.
The I's are still I's, the we's still we's.
The grab on to the next handle is followed by a quick release.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Space Man

There is a place where...
I take a face and...
I make it smile cus...
I am the space man!

Every weekend...
My saturday plan...
Is party hard cus...
I am the space man!

So come and join me...
My homie space fan...
Because I'll teach you...
To be a space man!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Love Poem

Gone the night I stood alone
On the sight I look upon
Your number on the telephone
But I will have to wait till dawn.
Your lips are curved you call a smile
Beauty as the early sun.
Your beauty I'd like to gaze a while.
Before this wonder day is done.
Capture the moment that makes me pause.
That makes my heart, it makes it race.
It is this moment and near it draws.
When I see your smile upon your face.
Gone the dawn I am alone.
Gone the morning I am blue.
Come the dawn I am shone.
The morning beauty when I'm with you.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Open eyes, open ears.
Too many thoughts, too many fears.
Closed mouth, Clenched fist.
Not a moment to be missed.
Became a missile from a toe.
When it's time, it is a go.
Let it out, let them know.
It's who you are, so let it show.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Treat 'Em

Some call it rap,
I call it breathin.
Fronted gangsta mistakes.
That's not believin.
Claims of money,
That swear they are cheesin.
I won't bow my head,
Unless you give me a reason.
Are you bitin like a DAWG,
Or a baby that's teethin?
Cus your nerve got to changin,
Like as if you the seasons.
If you haven't heard the word,
Coming from me then,
You're not gonna be nothin,
Nothing more than a heathen.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Devil ( Unfinished)

The Devil's no god,
He only stays in the lines.
Looking through the bars,
Satisfied when we cry.
Took the fear from my eyes.
Took my tears till i died.
I laugh at those with some years,
Cus my sentence is life.

He looked so strong,
He never fell till he beat me.
I saw it all wrong.
I never knew till he cheat me.
When the war is wrong,
All the lies that they feed me.
Pile up like hay
They never talk they just preach me.

And when they get bitched,
They coincide with his dawgs.
Acting like a bitch,
Can't solve their own brawl.
There's no use but cower.
They sit down they tower.
Till we get to heaven,
Ain't nobody bout to talk.
Everytime we do,
They teach a lesson with the chalk.
They teach us:

I cry for an I,
All I ask is for hope.
That the day will come,
When life ain't a show.
You ain't gotta wear a mask,
To get, to get to be free.
You feel the light shine,
The light is shining on me.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Cross over with the red sun dieing.

Said "No!" but I still kept trying.

Might be crying, fighting for glory.

I just hope i don't end like a mayan.

And i'm sorry i ain't trying to be rude.

But when your constantly trying to turn me off like a tube.

It's hard to understand with a gun in your face.

And with you sucking out my life like a baby and a boob.

So raise your fist we run this shit.

He try and make a scene when you call him a bitch!

But what'll he do when he's faced with a death.

He'll open his eyes stead of "seeing" through a slit.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Cry for I

You can't understand my mind.

I been standing at the battle front line.

Tears at my eyes, i be up on my hind.

I do my best but I chase from behind.

I make people cry cus i ain't gonna lie.

Dishin out truths like it came from behind.

Wearin my line till it drops like a dime.

Now I'm left at the back dropping tears from my eyes.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


You found me so unaware.
My eyes were closed but i continued to stare.
You took my hand and told me something.
There wasn't movement even though i was running.
I saw your hand but pushed it away.
Too scared to find the truth in what you did say.
I pushed it too hard, cus you spun right around.
It came back and hit me, i fell to the ground.
It wasn't till then that i realized.
That to see you have to open your eyes.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Spring Time

Cool and clear you can hear the moon light.
The beauty of the sunrise is much more than slight.
Bird songs of such magnificence, you'll curl your toes tight.
A stroll in the park, nothing feels more right.

Before the beyond of the power of mind.
You can always rely on the simplicity of a Thyme.
There are marvels before you of so many kind.
It is spring time!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Death By Blue

This poem starts out like it's a friendly story.

With a kid in the city and he's out and exploring

With no bounds to his thoughts or imagination.

Cardboard wings soring the constellations.

The fire hydrant broke kids gather around.

It's the place to be, but he's not to be found.

For the little boy grew wings and started to spread 'em.

He never touched down until he got to heaven.

The little boy wandered where he wasn't supposed to.

An alarm sounded from a car he got closed to.

A man came running and shot with perfect placement.

And with the shot the boy's body hit the pavement.

Is it possible for us to live in peace,

To live without fear, fear of the police?

Cus we shake every time it thunders.

And after a while it starts to make you wonder.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Righteous Contemplating

There is definately something wrong with the scene that we're facing.

Our society is talking; they don't like what we're making.

It's not our freedom they are claiming, it's our voices they're taking.

We deny the accusations but they say we're mistaken.

Freedom's what they gave us; responsibility's what we're crating.

We are fighting in a battle; oh the ground is a shaking.

They threaten us with violence; legitimacy's what they're faking.

So stand up and raise your voice, cus everyday is when we take'em.