Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Devil ( Unfinished)

The Devil's no god,
He only stays in the lines.
Looking through the bars,
Satisfied when we cry.
Took the fear from my eyes.
Took my tears till i died.
I laugh at those with some years,
Cus my sentence is life.

He looked so strong,
He never fell till he beat me.
I saw it all wrong.
I never knew till he cheat me.
When the war is wrong,
All the lies that they feed me.
Pile up like hay
They never talk they just preach me.

And when they get bitched,
They coincide with his dawgs.
Acting like a bitch,
Can't solve their own brawl.
There's no use but cower.
They sit down they tower.
Till we get to heaven,
Ain't nobody bout to talk.
Everytime we do,
They teach a lesson with the chalk.
They teach us:

I cry for an I,
All I ask is for hope.
That the day will come,
When life ain't a show.
You ain't gotta wear a mask,
To get, to get to be free.
You feel the light shine,
The light is shining on me.

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